Nous sommes allées voir la récente coulée de lave qui fumait encore puis nous nous sommes arrêtées déjeuner dans une auberge bien sympa ma foi.
Au menu salade de palmiste.
poulet au palmiste pour ma frangine et canard à la vanille pour moi.
Le tout servi avec "du grain" (les haricots), des achards de légumes et du riz.
Le palmiste est en fait du coeur de palmier frais...c'est très bon, ca a un petit gout de noisette, d'artichaut..
On l'a gouté frais dans la salade et cuit dans le poulet. Les 2 sont bons
Allez je vous mets aussi quelques photos de la lave encore fumante... parce que le dessert..des tartes a la noix de coco, a la banane...hmmm..comment dire...on a oublié de les prendre en photos.... ;-)
Ufa! I was starting to worry about your silence!!!!!
Palmito is great, a pitty that it is ecologically incorrect to consume it. But it´s soooooooo good!
Likewise, I'm happy to hear from you Nola!! I never tried 'palmito', I rather tried 'paloma' (well, some tequilla and fruit juice ;-D)
Te mando un besote,
Iglou -> yup I agree with you.. and I was also surprised when I found mainly tuna and codfish in the shops.. so I ask yesterday a guy from ONF (office national des forets) who told me I should not worry. The ones we can buy are planted on purpose and certified by them..
I always have problems with this sort of things and finally end up feeling guilty with everything I eat.. (tjonge jonge recently saw that eating soja was not so good for the health...ehhhh stop it what can I eat that is still healthy and ethically correct ???)
Should have make a thesis about this instead of what I did.. would be more useful..
I hope you are doing fine! kusjes! Nola
guapa -> why am I not surprised ? ;-)
hope you are having fun! you seem with climbing! As for me, I did not manage to do any climbing here yet! but I am trying salsa and singing and we went for a walk in the mountain this WE! besitos, Nola!
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